Hey all, I’d like quickly share with you a new project I am working on!
Originally shared by Damian “LFGM” Jankowski
Hey all, I’d like quickly share with you a new project I am working on.
www.LookingForGM.com will is a platform that will facilitate Pro GMs with tools to help them be successful as well as bring more and higher quality games to the RPG communities.
Pop on by and join the newsletter for updates and stay in touch on our G+ and discord communities (links are on the site)!
G+ community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107395425404008638940
First thoughts: What is “LG FM”? And what’s up with that “:” on the M? Consider a logo redesign.
Sure thing, thanks for the feedback. It’s LFGM, as in… Looking For (a) GM. The LF is trying to pull the GM to it, as in to say, you’re my GM! Gimme! :T
Hmm. Cute, but yeah that didn’t come across at all to me.
Agree with David Perry — you can crowdsource the “Human Factors” work that’s required here (assuming hiring a professional is out of the question), but I also see “LG FM:” … and the star in the upper left?
Appreciate the feedback. I’ll take it to heart.
Logo works for me! 🙂 But, yes, did read for a moment as lg fm.