Does anyone know of a Supernatural (TV Show) style modern supernatural horror playbook/adventure available?
Does anyone know of a Supernatural (TV Show) style modern supernatural horror playbook/adventure available?
Does anyone know of a Supernatural (TV Show) style modern supernatural horror playbook/adventure available?
Have you heard of Monster of the Week? It’s not DW, but it’s a PbtA game that’s in the style of Supernatural/Buffy/X-Files.
Monster of the Week is good.
Hrm, right now I don’t have a bunch of play money to buy a new game but ill definitely keep that in mind for whenever I can get some extra play money in.
Ya Monster of the Week is what your looking for. I mean even the author admited Supernatural had been a major inspiration for him when he wrote it.
MotW can be had in PDF, if I’m not mistaken – that’s a bit less expensive if money is an issue. You can also take a look at the play books here: –
…and get a feel for how they do it, perhaps even adapt them to your current game.
It’s $10 pdf at DriveThruRPG. It’s what you want.
Also check out the fan community at:
Mark Tygart I will see what my players are into and if so, I will pony up the cash for this if it’s worth it