I haven’t seen my son in about a month because I’ve been traveling a lot for work lately.

I haven’t seen my son in about a month because I’ve been traveling a lot for work lately.

I haven’t seen my son in about a month because I’ve been traveling a lot for work lately. But he called to talk for a bit while I’m out of town, and here are the DW-related highlights (he plays a wizard in a one-on-one game with me):

SON: You remember that rust monster thing I fought a couple months ago?

ME: Yep.

S: Could I use my ritual move to make rust arrows? So [his archer hireling] can destroy the [an order of Knights we made up]’s swords and armor?

M: Sure, but you’ll need some rust monster blood and some rust. Of course it’ll take several days of experimentation to get the enchantment correct and you’ll need to find a place of power. Plus he’ll need to be REALLY careful with them so he doesn’t destroy his own armor and stuff (because I run him mwahaha).

S: What if we dip them in wax? That way they’ll be safe to handle but the wax will crumble off when they hit something. I have some candles in my adventuring gear.

M: Yeah sure, that’ll definitely make them safe.

S: Cool! I can’t wait to play next time I’m over! Are there more rust monsters in that dungeon…

We talked for almost two hours, and a good 45 minutes of that was about DW. I love how a single monster he fought back in December spawned the idea for at least a couple more sessions. Right now he’s level 4, so it’ll be a while before he can take the Self Powered move, but I’m going to give him a chance to learn it early if he wants to go down that path so he can make his own place of power rather than finding one.

7 thoughts on “I haven’t seen my son in about a month because I’ve been traveling a lot for work lately.”

  1. How do you find one on one? I’m trying a game with my son where I’m DM and have a character and it isn’t that satisfactory — perhaps your idea of the DM playing a hireling is better…

    (nice description BTW)

  2. Tom Davies if you haven’t already you should check out the most recent Dicern Realities podcast. They talk about an interesting hack that really helps with one on one. Also, their Actual Play in the podcast is one on one and the DM plays a hireling. Could be a good example. Hope it’s helpful!

  3. Tom Davies​ I love playing 1-on-1 with my son because he’d rather be playing video games. The fact that he’ll give me two hours (yeah, short sessions) to play MY game is great. That said, he’d never roleplayed before, so there was a lot of handholding at first.

    I intended to play a character with him but I was dissuaded by this very community. By allowing him to have hirelings he still had all the agency, even though I’m running the character mechanically.

    The biggest pro of 1-on-1 is we can play HIS story and not worry about what other players want to do. In fact, we played it as a Pokémon- like game for a while because we invented an in game card game that took over the story for a while. And although my ritual description wasn’t quite as good over the phone as I typed it up here (you got the edited and streamlined version) I have a LOT of practice with rituals because he uses then quite often to turn slain monsters into cards for the card game.

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