Dungeon World Draw and Play
I wrote a couple lines (and made a couple cards) about how we could make a deck of cards to pick up and play DW.
The setup is quite simple:
Everyone draws 3 “class” cards, 3 cards representing something special about the PC and chooses one for each kind.
Then, everyone answers a couple questions in order to build the setting.
Ready to play, DW style!
I would greatly appreciate opinion, thoughts, crunchy goblins or someone to correct the horrible broken english i used.
Peter J, Chris Stone-Bush, Gregory Daily, Brian Holland that i am not able to find on the list :(, Johnstone Metzger, J. Walton
Thinking bigger cards like tarot?
Very interesting… I’d like to see more.
Instead of picking form what you are dealt, how about a drafting mechanic? Player A picks a Personage card from the table, then Player B, then Player C, D, and E, in order. Then Player E picks first of Perk cards, followed by D, C, B, and A.
Tommy Rayburn as for now, personage and perk cards should be about A7 size, give or take (10,5 x 7,5 cm).
Do you find them legible enough?
Move Cards, The Beldam and the Sheperd of Souls are those with the most text squeezed in.
As a designer, would need to see them printed to determine legibility
Peter J i did not put a lot of thought about the process for choosing the card.
I just thought about the basic principles and picked up the first springing in my mind.
– it has to be fast, so i don’t want any kind of thing that may cause choice paralisys.
– it has still to allow a meaningful choice, so not to play a perk o personage that one dislike (for example, the shepherd of souls is a support-only personage). Moreover, it should allow the possibility of having the same symbol twice, so to give a little bit of specialization
If you think there are methods following these two, please, tell me!
John Henry Tommy Rayburn
the cards aren’t really complete, yet – i feel it could be necessary to write some flavor text (probably on the back? what do you think? you feel it is necessary?) so to make more understandable perks or personage with correct but unusual names.
After that… i think that since i’m no designer, i’ll definitely need to ask your opinion.
I think keeping the stats and info on the front side as simple as possible is key for quick scanning, on the back you could pack it with flavor text.
And I would love to help.
Tommy Rayburn John Henry thanks, i sincerely appreciate.
for sure the beldam, the sheperd of souls, move cards and a bad deal are the nastiest cards to fit in terms of text.
This means that if we manage to properly fit those it is easy to fit everything.
I’ll to write or steal a couple lines of flavour text for those in the next days so that, if you like, you can experiment with formats.
I think having moves and symbols on the front; flavor text and equipment on the back could be a good split, so to use the back while setting up the game, the front while playing.
This said, if you are thinking about thinkering with other formats, and that does not take you a lot of effort, why not to try?
I Like the ideia, need to read it further soon!
So, i have the full personage spread.
Tommy Rayburn , i sent you a chat invitation to give the link of the actual character sheets, so that we can work with them and give them to the community with a good design
John Henry , i would like to send you too an invitation to the chat on gmail but it i don’t find you on the list. Maybe you can add me?
If anyone else is interested in giving a proofread or advice about the moves, please, write it here or send me a message.
Andrea Serafini Since these are free, are you okay with using borrowed art?
I may ask some friends, but we can use borrowed art, as for now.