What is your favorite monster that you have made into a “hireling” or companion to the party?

What is your favorite monster that you have made into a “hireling” or companion to the party?

What is your favorite monster that you have made into a “hireling” or companion to the party? Mine is a gargoyle the party found named Alabaster. They found him in an abandoned library. He loved to read and write while he traveled with them and he could provide information on ancient history, while also being a sort of magical creature early warning system. They left him in a cave with a friendly Medusa after helping her with a dracolisk that was encroaching on her territory. He and the Medusa took a liking to each other, so after the campaign ended it was assumed they lived happily ever after. Emphasis on the “ever” since neither of them ages lol

4 thoughts on “What is your favorite monster that you have made into a “hireling” or companion to the party?”

  1. I had a mindless metallic goo that would shape itself as various treasure hordes to lure in prey. I don’t remember the details of the magic involved, but there was very much an Apocalypse World psychic maelstrom at play, and one character reached out to this thing, trying to basically stupefy it. He rolled snake eyes, so instead of shutting it down, he amped it up, giving the creature all the character’s own shape, thoughts, and ideas.

    They attacked it, as PCs are wont to do. And it fought defensively. Eventually it asked “what am I for?” and we were off. They took the creature under their wing, all simultaneously trying to teach their own moral codes. It was fun.

  2. Aaron Griffin that reminds me of the Golem my group found. It had lost its memories and learned from their morals/comment and became a big part of several campaigns in that world. I don’t count him as a monster, but overall he was my favorite party companion hands down.

  3. I don’t remember how it happened now, but my party once took a Dragon Whelp as a companion. It wouldn’t drink water; only Dwarven Stout. After drinking a keg or two it would randomly belch. A roll+nothing determined if it was a nasty beer belch, a flame belch or a spewing forth of lava. We burned a forest down with Norbert (they were huge Harry Potter fans lol).

  4. My party had a pet Griffin that the druid was successful in befriended. Everyone fell in love with that Griffin, I kind of played it as if it was a Noble of the animal kingdom. Hoity and a but judgmental.

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