Hey. I’ve been a GM for a few years now, looking to start a sci-fi space exploring adventure, I was waiting for Pirate World to come out and use the same rules for sea ships as star ships, but it seems to me Pirate World has been put on hold indefinitely.
I’m looking for some literature for inspiration. Where should I look for inspiration? And what happened to Pirate World?
Thanks in advanced.
Nothing happened to Pirate World. Ian Chantler AKA James Hawthorn did not deliver the game and issued a small portion of refunds when harangued.
I’m reading about this sundered world. Looks pretty intrigueing, and they have ships. Any thoughts on that?
Why not use Uncharted Worlds instead of DW?
Alexander Stanton I have only skimmed the ship section, it seems solid enough, but basically it is how to stat up a spell jammer and three to five moves for attack, maneuver, voyage plus repair, upgrade, etc.
You might also give a serious reading to the “Clusters” chapter of Diaspora, whatever system you wind up going with.
My memory fails me: does Dungeon Planet have starship rules? In any case, its seems like a place to look at if you want to do space exploration.
Eric Nieudan Dungeon Planet has ship stats but no special moves.
Well if your looking for inspiration the works of Rafael Sabatini are a great place to start Capt Blood and the Sea Hawk are great books.
Horatio Hornblower is not pirates but good nautical adventure too.
Also inverse world has sky ships and pirates lots to adapt there…
For animation inspiration: Treasure Planet.
Maybe Dungeon Planet for the SciFi, Inverse World for ship combat, raid the Savage World Pirate One -Sheet Adventures for ideas? Or steampunk it with flying ships on Dungeon World like the fantasy movie Starlight?