Hey, all. what ind of fonts do peole tend to use for any playbooks or hacks that they make?
Hey, all. what ind of fonts do peole tend to use for any playbooks or hacks that they make?
Hey, all. what ind of fonts do peole tend to use for any playbooks or hacks that they make?
If you want to match the latest sheets, the Stefan Grambart ones, you will want to use Averia Libre, Averia Serif Libre and Metamorphous. All are free, as intended.
PS: You can open those sheets in Illustrator and hack them to your heart’s content. I’m half-way through making them into a pocketmod but I am so busy, it may take me six months to finish it.
Are you asking about FONTS or FRONTS? Because both are applicable in DW.
I meant fonts. Awesome, thanks, Matt Horam
For Dungeon World sheets, I usually use combinations of…
There are a few others, but I can’t think of them at the moment.
The MS Word Playbook template I created incorporates the official fonts: https://plus.google.com/110164541089160428464/posts/DqJSDC2UNhn
Y’all are seriously the best
I use Amaranth for headings and Cabin for text.