Here is another simple CC move. Great for any spell user. #DungeonWorldCC
When you have time to sit and write down a spell you know/prepared and empower your words with magical energy onto a blank piece of parchment, Roll+INT and forget the spell until you make camp.
10+, The scroll is complete
7-9, choose one:
-The magic within the parchment won’t last the day
-The spell contains unforeseen consequences (GM will tell you how when the scroll is used)
-Making the scroll has drained you more than expected. Forget an additional spell until you make camp.
I do have a question for you all.
How does one properly use Scrolls?
Let me be more specific.
-Which characters can use Scrolls?
-How does one use it?
-Are Rolls needed?
-if Rolls are needed, how do you handle anything but a 10+?
The rules are a bit vague and I’ve house ruled it to let anyone use a scroll without the need to roll, but I would like to know what the “proper” way to use a Scroll is
What if they roll a 7-9?
Very nice move!
For the scroll, the book says if the spell is in your class spell list you read it and the spell is cast. Don’t think you should roll anything as per raw.
That’s a really awesome move. I’d change “lose” to “forget” just to fit the rest of the book, but that’s it.
To your other questions, I let anyone use scrolls and I don’t require a roll for it. It might take a moment to read the scroll or get into position, which might trigger a Defy Danger.
Interesting. It seems that, though the mighty creators tried to keep it simple, everyone reads it differently.
Stephen Karnes, that makes allot of sense in favor of those who roll for the use of a scroll. I will have to bring this up with my group and see how they like it.
And thank you everyone who likes the move. I thought it was pretty cool myself
Colin Kierans, I’m change the wording, I like yours better.