Lampblack & Brimstone is pleased to announce that Jeremy Strandberg has agreed to let us publish Stonetop, his Dungeon World campaign about an isolated village community struggling to survive at the edge of the known world.
Jeremy has been working on this project for a long time, and he’s recently managed to pull of the material together into a working whole. Now we just need to see what happens when other people get their hands on it.
So! We’re ready for some serious playtesting. Interested?
We’re looking for groups who:
• Play every 2-3 weeks (or more!)
• Can commit to actually playing 3+ sessions
• Are willing to specifically try out certain content
• Will ask questions & provide thoughtful feedback
• Can put up with potentially frequent changes
If that sounds like you, please speak up in the comments.
If you’re interested in playtesting, but don’t have a group that meets the requirements above, let us know and we’ll see if we can’t put some of y’all together.
If you’d like to take a look but aren’t really interested in playtesting, that’s cool, too! Click the #Stonetop hashtag and check out the content. It might not be totally up-to-date but it’ll give you an idea of what we’re working on.
I can’t commit to running, but I hope that Antoine Pempie, Kalysto de la vacuité, Bastien Wauthoz or Tiburce Guyard will (and then I can play of course
US! Pick us!
I’m definitely interested to build a group to that aim. Do send the material over here. I’m stuck in a chair for a few days and have plenty of time ahead!
I believe you have my mail, Jason Lutes .
I’m interested.
Max Perman and Vandel J. Arden expressed interest in a European hangouts game. Boris Fedyukin or anyone else interested in joining them?
I could give it a go with my group, and at the very least give it a good read though.
Any other Australians wanting to try a hangout game?
I ran it by the gang and they said Yup! 3+ sessions at fortnightly increments. Are we using just vanilla DW Jason Lutes? Or can we add Funnel World / Perilous Wilds or Grim World etc…
Paolo Greco , Eric Nieudan gonna join up for a Europe gang?
Vandel J. Arden I’d like to, but I really should go where I’m not taking someone else’s spot: francophone or pan-European.
Ha, so far I am glad if we get enough Europes
Nathan Roberts let’s keep it with the materials in the playtest kit, at least for player-facing stuff: playbooks, moves, and gear.
The Stonetop rules are already using the Perilous Wilds moves for Followers & Expeditions.
I’d actively advise against using Funnel World. The Stonetop playbooks are already tuned to create heroes of the village and give them relevant backstories. I have a hard time seeing how a funnel would lead into most of them.
That said: you wanna grab monsters or ideas from Grim World, or the random tables from Perilous Wilds, or any other source of inspiration that works for you and your table… go right ahead!
Timothy Stanbrough I’d be interested.
I think I’ve sent invites to everyone who’s identified themselves as part of an actual group. If you’ve got a group and haven’t received an invite from me, speak up.
I think my kids would enjoy this game and so if you’d like to get a younger perspective, we’d be happy to playtest and can keep up with requirements.
I’m not part of a steady group right now, but would be interested in joining up with a group if there are openings…
Dave Sealy Do you know anyone else who would be interested? I’ve asked my RPGing friends, but had no interest for more games.
Timothy Stanbrough I can ask around. Are you thinking of the game being evening AU time?
Where are you at Timothy Stanbrough? You’d be most welcome for a visit to the Blue Mts if you wanna play a one-shot.
Dave Sealy Well i’ve got Saturday and Thursday evening free, 7:30 or 8:00 onwards.
Nathan Roberts I’m in Melbourne, so a perhaps a little too far this time. Thanks for the offer though.
I’m interested in participating! Probably the only one in this list writing from remote Erechim, southern Brazil.
Jerzy A. Brzozowski looks like that’s GMT -3. There are a few folks on the DW post who are US East cost, which is currently GMT -4. You might be able to link up with them.
If that’s something you’re interested in, pop over there and speak up.
Very intrigued! I’d be interested in getting in on a group (GMT) but while running three campaigns already, I think I’d only be up to GMing three sessions or so and this seems like exactly the kind of supplement that would suit a longer campaign.
Depending on what you’re looking to test, our group would probably be a good candidate. Group of guys that have played together for ~4 years, lots of Pathfinder, 5E and some DW. We’re playing a home campaign with the Grim World playbooksand Perilous Wilds campaign organization tools. We play every Thursday, schedules permitting.
Zach Swain Mostly, we’re just wanting to get people playing it and find out what’s working and what’s not, what’s missing, what needs polish, etc. As we said above, though, we’re looking for a commitment to 3+ sessions, as it’s a long-form game.
You want to run it by your group? You can give them this 1-pager to give them an overview: goo.gl/Id4VMW
If they’re down, let us know and I’ll invite you to the playtest group.
Dylan Durrant you’re GMT +/-0? If so, that might work with some of the Euro folks who’ve posted here.
Eric Nieudan Vandel J. Arden Max Perman Boris Fedyukin Bastien Wauthoz Have any of you got something going yet? If not, would one of you want to step and GM for the others?
I’ll ask them this week and see what they say. What timetable are you operating under for running these playtests?
Next couple of months would be great.
I’d be up for GMing a GMT affair, unless anyone else has a strong preference?
Jeremy Strandberg Got it, I’ll check with them.
I can run it Wednesday and Saturdays at my game store. Might be different make up of player’s every Saturday but Wednesdays would be a consistent bunch.
Savage Sorcery
3 Center St
Union Springs NY 13160
OR personal email dra8er@gmail.com
I can give full play reports, pics and player feedback.
I now got a playergroup up for that. My regulars are switching to playtest mode. Most likely we will start in May and I would GM (5-6 seasoned players age 26-36 familiar with AW DW BitD Fate and anything from Morningstar)
Cris Sidhe Sounds great, invite incoming.
I’m don’t think it would work with a completely different group each session. If Saturday is a total drop-in game, I wouldn’t even try it.
But it should work well with a bigger-but-limited group (maybe up to 8 or 9), with only a subset of that group playing each session.
Vandel J. Arden I’ll send an invite.
I’ll setup a french-speaking test group gmt+1 in a few weeks time when my wife is back from the hospital.
I think I can do this with one of my groups.
Maezar cool! You want to confirm with them and let us know? Or are you already sure they’ll be down for it?
We’re ready to roll! We can begin this weekend. Jeremy Strandberg Jason Lutes
Maezar did you get the invite I sent? They seem to not be showing up in people’s feeds…
I did not
Hmm. Just tried a different way. Check your notifications, see if you’ve got something from me.
Whelp, that’d doesn’t seem to have worked either. Maezar try clicking this?
Jeremy Strandberg “You need to join the community to see posts.”
Maezar *edit* never mind, looks like you got it.
Hello ! Is it too late to apply ? What’s the deadline ?
Antoine Pempie t’es un boulet! ;-D
Comme tu dois t’en vouloir d’avoir raté ma table!
Bastien Wauthoz Oui XD ! Et en plus, y a Luke Wayland qui arrête pas de tourner le couteau dans la plaie en me disant que c’est top…
Oui, c’est Stone – top! <:o)
Antoine Pempie No, it is not too late.
Do you have a group to play with? Or are you looking for one?
I’ve been away from G+ and gaming for about a month, but I’d be happy to get involved in an online session and can commit to regular involvement. I’m also trying to organize an in-person group in Western NJ/Eastern PA.
Maezar you’re already in the playtest community, so you should have access to the docs for your in-person group.
Anyone else looking to put an online group together, hit Maezer up! Christopher Meid, Zach Swain, and Jerzy A. Brzozowski… y’all seem to be in the GMT -3 to -4 time range…
Jeremy Strandberg Yup, I’m US East Coast time, currently -4UTC.
Jeremy Strandberg I’m still super interested in Stonetop, but I don’t believe I can test currently. Know if anyone has playtest videos up? Are people allowed to make stonetop play videos?
Harrison s allowed? Sure! The only recordings I know of, though, are in French. Let me know if you understand French, and I’ll point you at the link.
Dylan Durrant and others – I could probably squeeze in a UK focused playtest if there’s interest?
Joe Banner Love to, if just to catch up! Send me a text or give me a call, I think you have my number
Joe Banner Invite sent. I know Max Perman also had a group going at one point (with Dylan?), and I believe Eric Nieudan expressed some interest as well.
Jeremy Strandberg Still lacking the time and energy to run, but if there’s a spot in a GMT friendly game, I’ll happily take it!
Oh, Paolo Greco was talking about Stonetop the other day. I wonder if he’d be interested in playing despite his dungeonworldophibia?
I’m game. Only got to run the first session last time as my schedule got too full.
Drew Hart-Shea, you’re London-based, yeah? You’d posted some interest in the DW Tavern back in March. If you’re interested in joining forces with Joe Banner and co, speak up!
Jeremy Strandberg we’re playing our first session next Weds, all things being well.
Its AWSEOME Joe, have fun!
(wish I could join the playtest, too bad my group has a hard time getting together, lately. But know I can’t wait to see Stonetop finished and grab a copy of it –been loving since the early days!)
Matteo Casali let us know if things change!
Andrea Serafini, I think you were putting an Italian group together. Did that ever get going? Is it face-to-face or online? If online, would you have room for Matteo?
Matteo Casali Jeremy Strandberg it’s face to face, in turin. We start in september. Perhaps we’re so lucky that you live nearby, Matteo?
I have an online group that records our actual-plays as well. We could most assuredly play several sessions of this.
Gilbert Isla invite sent! Let me know if you don’t see it.
Thanks, Andrea Serafini ove your city but I live kinda far away (Reggio Emilia) and thank you, Jeremy Strandberg for the heads-up.
Will there be a hard copy offering?
That’s certainly the plan! I keep trying to talk Jason into a boxed set. But I suppose I should finish writing everything, first.
My group (3 players) and I would like to playtest Stonetop. We play at least once a week, if not more. Three of us are around 40’ish in age, and we have one “youngling” of 16. I’ve been interested in Stonetop for awhile but haven’t really visited this community for some time. If you’re still interested in playtesters, we’d like to give it a try.
Krynos Pentegarn sure, we’re still looking. Just sent you the invite. Let me know if you don’t see it!