Can someone exaplain the following cleric moves and how they best interpret or use them?

Can someone exaplain the following cleric moves and how they best interpret or use them?

Can someone exaplain the following cleric moves and how they best interpret or use them? Let’s say I choose “Gaining Secrets.” Does this mean that I simply ask my Deity for information when I need a secret revealed? How have you managed this as a GM?

Choose one precept of your religion:

Your religion preaches the sanctity of suffering, add Petition: Suffering

Your religion is cultish and insular, add Petition: Gaining Secrets

Your religion has important sacrificial rites, add Petition: Offering

Your religion believes in trial by combat, add Petition: Personal Victory

Divine Guidance

When you petition your deity according to the precept of your religion, you are granted some useful knowledge or boon related to your deity’s domain. The GM will tell you what.

5 thoughts on “Can someone exaplain the following cleric moves and how they best interpret or use them?”

  1. To petition a diety, you’d need to perform the petition yourself. You’d need to be the one gaining secrets.

    I interpret this as you learning a secret about something and sharing that Secret with your diety, who then shares information back in kind. Like trading baseball cards.

    But, the interpretation is part of YOUR game and these things are intentionally vague.

  2. I agree with the other posters; the one petitioning is the one who gained the secret.  In a similar vein, my cleric of Crom has petition: Personal Victory.  I always interpreted that to mean my cleric must have accomplished a personal victory (through trial by combat) in order to petition for a boon from the almighty Crom.

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