UPDATE: Defend is also fixed.
Okay, so I impulsively batch-processed Stefan Grambart ‘s awesome sheets to make them a bit darker, for those of us struggling with the print legibility of the grey text.
I did it in photoshop, and the file ended up ~20mB larger despite me having removed three pages and I’m sorry. Bookmarks are probably also a mess. This is what happens when amateurs go vigilante.
NB: Also corrected a typo in Defy Danger+Cha, and took the liberty of moving the “touch” tag into the body of the Immolator move because that seemed the fastest fix.
A good idea. On the other hand the defend move and the misnamed druid move need to be fixed first IMHO. Actually someone could proofread the whole thing.
Oh! I’ll fix those. I thought they were done in v2.2.
Andrej Poljak Help me out, please – which Druid move is misnamed in v2.2? Defend looks fine, too?
Hey Matt, I hope I’m not missing something here but essentially:
a) Defend lacks the option “Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself”
b) Druid’s “Doppleganger’s Dance” should actually read “Doppelgänger’s Dance”
The second error is a very minor thing but the first one actually changes the game a great deal.
Andrej Poljak Cool! Fixed Defend and left Doppelganger because WHATEVER but I managed to reduce the file size by 20mB
That’s great. Might as well use these playbooks now I suppose.