Played with a bunch of friends who are new to roleplaying and it was great. And you lot were totally right, its better to have something that you can ask questions on then try to make the world together I feel.
We started with the players on a boat going into a port, Barbarian, Ranger, Druid, and Wizard. I asked the question what they were doing there and what was the boat smuggling. The Wizard they said because she is the last one and the empire wants her. Brilliant!
The ship was called Nigel and the captain was a woman?(the gender seems to be going to more neutral) called Nigel. The barbarian was her bodyguard. The port was a notorious smuggling place but today the Empire had guards running towards them with a warrent for The wizard.
So yeah trouble ensued but eventually the players were able to kill and get rid of some guards. There was a cool moment where 3 who were kind of the Wizards side were going against Nigel and the barb had to choose whether to help them take over the boat or not and dhe chose the middle option of them staying. Nigel decided he liked the idea of there being more wizards out there so they went to the forest where the rest picked up the wizard before.
I liked the characters were a bit different, the barbarian parlayed a lot. The Druid was pretty agressive. The Wizard seemed kind of alright with being captured. And the ranger is very protective.
Sounds like an interesting first session
Last one of what? Last wizard in the world? =o
Yes Last Wizard in the world though one of my stakes and one of the questions everyone said was were there more.
It was a very fun session, the players were quite hard to control since there was a lot of jokes and off topic stuff. Do have to get back i to GMing a bit because I did make everything up and it was a bit of a struggle