Zephram the Warmage (title in progress). Made using Class Warfare. Warrior archetype, Defender, Wielder, and Vancian Caster specialties. Shown here without armor or shield because I wasn’t really thinking this drawing through and I haven’t slept in a while
Alexander GlennDirk Detweiler LeichtyDavid Morris
Alexander Glenn Dirk Detweiler Leichty David Morris
Did we ever call him “Zee” during the game? I didn’t think so but for some reason I’ve been thinking of him as Zee as well.
We did, that’s what Kris said he goes by.
well I guess what must have happened is that I forgot.
(Love it though)
hehe yeah I like the name “Zephram” a lot but I’m also a really big fan of characters having one syllable nicknames, if one can pull it off with their name
I think David called me Zee, and I think others did as well.
So yeah.
Thank you. It’s not perfect but it’s not terrible either 
can i play?
Sorry mate it’s an in person tabletop game.
Yeah ik i was trying to be funny.