Within the last 8 months there was an interesting post about creating the party all together, rather than as…

Within the last 8 months there was an interesting post about creating the party all together, rather than as…

Within the last 8 months there was an interesting post about creating the party all together, rather than as individuals, so that the players really felt like they had a unified purpose.  My google skills have failed me.  Can anyone point me to this post or anything related?  I think it linked to a blog post that was about a different RPG or was system agnostic.  Thanks in advance!

9 thoughts on “Within the last 8 months there was an interesting post about creating the party all together, rather than as…”

  1. Song of Ice and Fire RPG has a really interesting character creation / house creation mechanic. Obviously it’s very, very engineered toward that particular system, but you could just jack the house creation system out of it and implant it into another RPG without too much trouble, just for the fiction of it all.

  2. Delos Adamski that’s not it, but it’s a great post on the right topic, so, thanks! The post I recall had a few steps or questions they used to be even more intentional about creating a unified party.

  3. Ovy Ortega that’s also a cool idea! This is great, because even if this mythical unicorn of a blog post never reappears, everything in this thread is helpful and interesting!

  4. There was a post recently where someone had problems getting the group together and to cooperate. I wasn’t able to find it earlier though.

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