My very first attempt at making a map. Never done it before, followed a few super simple tutorials online to try to come up with something passable. I like it, for a first attempt at something I’ve never tried! It may not be perfect, but it at least gives a quick and simple visual, and I know what the different areas are and what a few of the individual buildings are.
Dirk Detweiler Leichty David Morris Alexander Glenn Lydia Short
That’s a great first map!
Thank you so much!
I was actually super surprised that I liked how the mountains turned out, considering it was kind of a last minute decision to even include them.
Positive feedback rules, I appreciate it!
That’s cool. I like it.
really cool!
It is a lot better than passable
Thank you Samuel Hinz
You guys are all awesome.
Does anybody have any tips or advice?
Just keep drawing maps dude!
Michael Wenman’s map tutorials are pretty flippin’ RAD too
I found that it was a LOT of fun!! I wanted to do a map for a place in the game I’m running first, but now I kinda just wanna like, draw random towns and villages.
I’m not sure I have the patience to do a large city (which is sad because that’s the central hub of my game), but some day I’ll get there.
If you’re interested in some tutorials, mine can be found here.
Great map; and your first = wow!
Looks great! Out of curiosity (and self interest) any of the tutorials you found particularly useful?
This is probably the one that I actually used the most.
It’s super simple and very quick (under 2 minutes), but I liked the simplicity and the style. Then I just did some google searches for “fantasy town maps” to get some other visual cues.
Good, nice 3d effect.
Sweeeet, can’t wait to save this place from some orcs!