Hey folks who have Grim World, what do you all think of the human racial move in that? I’m thinking of running a game that uses some Grim World stuff, and the option of swapping out a starting move seems a little uninteresting compared to the other races.
Hey folks who have Grim World, what do you all think of the human racial move in that?
Hey folks who have Grim World, what do you all think of the human racial move in that?
Honestly, the human racial move is my favorite racial move in GW, just because it allows to mix two classes right at level 1.
Sorry? I can be a partial machine or have some other cool thing from any class I want. Maybe it IS not unique but suit those weird humans all right. Maybe it not as good for simply Grim World, but if you add other classes to the mix it will be a whole new talk.
Mr. Wolfoyote fair point there, although in the particular context of the game I’m going to run, there will only be about 9 or 10 classes. Still holds true, I guess.
Jarrah James Your opinion is more fair in those circumstances I’d say, but still, still…
That moves just screams “abuse me” if you ask me…
Oh the power you could get…
For my game, thinking of offering humans an alternative move that lets them re-roll any one dice once per session.
Tim Franzke The move can be abused, I admit. However, a smart GM will know when to not allow certain things or how to deal with them if they miss it. For example, the GW Slayer can become broken by removing Cathartic Kill. However, if for some reason, the GM approved that, they can counter its brokenness in combat by presenting a lot of non-combat situations in which the Slayer cannot deal with by using Thirst.