Inspired by Vincents AW:DA and Jason Lutes new DW supplement. Low Resolution Version for free use. I will now offer such Maps in Pär Lindström ‘s RPGNow shop and my Patreon as addition to the normal version of maps with predrawn landscapes. I can also see some use for pointcrawl style games.
I am always glad for some feedback
Note: It will be a pay-what-you-want Mappack and I will notify anyone interested here in the comments when I have it done and up.
Oh I should mention, thats A3/Tabloid Size, so basicly you could even print it out nicely on 2 sheets of tabloid paper. The sections are not realy small
Yes Voronoi! I have not a clue what thats Normaly used for, but looks splendid on maps
I am indeed most interested
Very cool. I liked the way the maps in AW:DA made players justify the boundaries during any location development fictionally without having to worry as much about “should this be a straight line, or should we meander it, and what degree of travel, and….” … the less interesting cartography stuff.
(“Okay, so the town ends here. Why, [aside from the fact that there’s already line on the map]?” “Err… that’s where the mighty Eron River flows, and we’ve never redirected it because that could make war with the Croc People.”)
Could make for a unique Risk or Diplomacy game map too after some empire clustering.
Yes indeed, I have the landscape Version nearly done and will most likely post the set tomorrow or wednesday.
It will contain the grid like shown, a hex version, a blank Version and one with landcapes (also with the different grids and without)
Additionaly i choosed a bigger voronoi grig, and simplified the Border more.
Anything else you all want?
I was also under the Impression that maps without paper textures are prefered for BW print?