[11/11/14: File updated with the all classes + gear + dark side]
Hello kind people.
After going back to playing Star Wars: the Old Republic, I wanted to create DW classes for SW. I looked over some of the online resources but they weren’t for my liking
So I took the new Class Warfare and started working. Currently, only the Jedi Knight is completed, and I wanted to share to work.
Most of the material is based on SWTOR stuff, buy I tried to remove time period specifics, so it can be played in several SW time frames.
Planned classes include The Agent, The Bounty Hunter, The Jedi Consular, The Smuggler and The Trooper. Some form of dark side compendium class will also be featured.
I thinks that’s all for now.
Updated the file with the Jedi Consular.
There are some errors with the Consular. I’ll upload an updated version later.
I like it! Keep going!
Bounty Hunter added.
And now the Smuggler.
All classes are now complete. Next is gear and dark side compendium class.
I like it! Great Job, let us know when you do any updates, i’m awaiting for the dark side compendium class, if you need some help, let me know!
If you re-download the file you’ll find that both equipment and the dark side are already in.
Ohh! That’s a great job, congratulations for it and thanks for share!!
Thank you for this! I was thinking of putting SW and DW together for a month before you dropped this thermal detonator of awesome!.
Thank you very much.
What more do we need in it?
Honestly, the only thing I could think of is maybe some monsters and organization fronts….but those are not even serious items for me.
Also, maybe reskinning the dark side classes and adjusting some moves. A lot of the powers are 1:1, but last time I played, there were some power differences.
Monsters could be cool,
Yeah, right, we need monsters.
Dark side classes are outside of the scope right now. I don’t feel the need for them at the moment.
Heritage moves for alien races.
That is the most daunting task I can think of for a universe loaded with aliens.
What are Heritage moves?
I intentionally went with specializations instead of racial moves, in order to make my life easier.
Heritage moves are from the DW offering Dark Heart of the Dreamer.
It essentially creates a small list of moves for races, if my understanding is correct.
Racial moves are a beast to think about for the SW universe.
Using SW:TOR as a baseline, what ideas do you have for the professions, like slicing?