Lately I have been toying with several Ideas of Settings for my home campaign, while working on #ProjectSalem

Lately I have been toying with several Ideas of Settings for my home campaign, while working on #ProjectSalem

Lately I have been toying with several Ideas of Settings for my home campaign, while working on #ProjectSalem

Here are some of my sketches.

7 thoughts on “Lately I have been toying with several Ideas of Settings for my home campaign, while working on #ProjectSalem”

  1. Dreadfull Worlds is my selfwritten Coresystem created out of a gutted AW. Bonds/X will become usable like Moves but with more suttle effects. Insanity, will be increasing like in Cthulhu Dark, as I followed on the Cthulhu World discussion on Story Games about it, and value that input. All my Classes will be Combined From Two Parts inspired by John Harper s DangerPatrol / Mindlords, Jason Morningstar s Carolina Death crawl and others. I also liked how the Skilltrees in Star Wars (FFG) worked for combined classes. Johnstone Metzger did some finework with his Warfare book and that got me convinced to do a more flexible character creation: like in Johnstones “Evil Stars” I will have a skilltree for a concept and a profession + adding a small racial tree and a faction tree. AND still want to keep all that on one sheet of paper 🙂

    Insanity will unlock GM moves on each character influencing the narrative fluently.

    Delta Realm Seven is my take on Paranoia/Omega World/Olp Pulp SciFi.

    Hollow World is a SciFi Apocalypse enviroment set in a WWI setting within a hollow earth. Inspiredy Ergo Proxy.

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