Looking for 2-4 players for a hangout World of Dirty Dungeons game, tonight (Sat June 12, 9PM EST, ~3 hrs).

Looking for 2-4 players for a hangout World of Dirty Dungeons game, tonight (Sat June 12, 9PM EST, ~3 hrs).

Looking for 2-4 players for a hangout World of Dirty Dungeons game, tonight (Sat June 12, 9PM EST, ~3 hrs).

The basic idea is to play John Harper’s World of Dungeons (actually a very slight hack of it), but using John Wick’s Dirty Dungeons to plan the adventure.  As if they were discussing the results of their rumor-gathering and research, the players take turns describing the dangers they believe to be waiting for them at the adventure site.  (This is John Wick’s “*Dirty Dungeons*”.)

World of Dungeons is on the lethal side, at least at low levels. The mode of adventuring I’m expecting is cautious and inventive.  We’ll make allowance for implausible reasons for replacement characters if that proves necessary!

Tagging a few folks who’ve done this before or expressed interest.

Tim Groth Michael Atlin Stephen Shapiro Sean Winslow Jack Stephenson-Carr James Introcaso Nathan Roberts 

19 thoughts on “Looking for 2-4 players for a hangout World of Dirty Dungeons game, tonight (Sat June 12, 9PM EST, ~3 hrs).”

  1. Here’s what the players (five of them) came up with last time:

    Against the Fungus Queen

    A crumbling mansion, walled in, has a sealed gate

    Thieves have broken through the wall at the NW corner of the estate

    Creeper vines are there

    Fungus-eating vermin on the property are keeping the growth down somewhat

    There are sounds of rushing water below

    There’s a wine cellar with valuable wines in it

    Far underneath is the Fungus Queen’s court

    A well, outside, leads down to the water table and may provide a way in

    Underground there is a family crypt populated by angry ghosts and the risen dead – now ‘spore zombies’, controlled by mad spirits

    The overgrown estate is now a mushroom garden with towering mushrooms

    At night, the queen’s guards emerge to harvest from the deathcap mushrooms

    Down in the crypt, there is a profane alter to Mycos – the family actually summoned this queen

    There are less-defended entrances down into the underground areas, but they are extremely tight

    The passages below are wide enough for the queen’s entourage, and look as if they were left after massive fungal growths receded

    There is a great cavern underground, lit by luminescent fungus

    The waters are magical

    There are extremely dangerous flows

  2. I figure we’ll plan the adventure first, then make characters (which is a fairly short process) – that will give me a few minutes to digest the adventure.

    Oh.. please make sure you have a clear-ish sound setup. Echoing integrated mikes make it hard for me to think. 😐

  3. Ahhhh! That means like 11:00am Sydney time right? I’ve got family commitments.

    Oh noes!

    I soooooo wanted to play. Please Please next time, Michael Prescott 

    Thanks for thinking of me 🙂

  4. As Nathan Roberts said, but for World of Dungeons (where adding +1d4 to a to-hit roll doesn’t make sense), we made major challenges worth two points and other challenges worth one. Points could be withdrawn from a pool during play, as needed; the remaining point would be spent on the treasure roll!

  5. Since you mentioned it, Peter Johansen, I’ll just say that when we did it, the time pressure didn’t turn out to be a big deal. My players happened to be fonts of trouble for themselves, and not very argumentative, so and in a very short time they had list that was long enough. I suppose the time pressure might have spurred them on!

    When it came time to hit them with stuff, I didn’t in the least feel like I needed to rely on complications to really pressure them. They’d created enough stuff that all I had to do was make it feel real, and the adventure was plenty challenging.  (They did it in two pushes.)

    At the table, there was a strange mismatch between how awesome I felt it was and how awesome they did – since the adventure had in some sense been written for me, my hands were tied in terms of topology and pacing.  (Or at least, my hands were much less free than usual.)

    And yet, because they knew what was still ahead, they had this fantastic anticipation of the rest of the adventure. They were totally engaged and invested in it, because they’d made it.  It was bizarrely good for what, in other circumstances, might have been a totally ordinary (and slightly creepy) dungeon crawl.

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