I’m running a Star Wars game using the DW system, and one of the characters died.

I’m running a Star Wars game using the DW system, and one of the characters died.

I’m running a Star Wars game using the DW system, and one of the characters died. however, it seems appropriate for him to occasionally reappear as a force ghost. So, I wrote up a potential move…

Help from Beyond

When you aid or interfere with one of your old companions from Beyond the veil of death, say what your ghost tells them, and roll +Bond. On a 10+, give an ally +1 or -2 on a roll, and then cross out one bond. On a 7-9, you also cannot manifest again until those you haunt visit a place of mystical significance. 


11 thoughts on “I’m running a Star Wars game using the DW system, and one of the characters died.”

  1. I like it. But rather than making the force ghost trigger the move (meaning the player has to keep track of their old character), I would flip it around. Have the trigger be the character calling on an old companion for help.

  2. Hmmm. That could work. I’d still have the Ghost’s player describe what his character says, and decide whether they’re aiding or interfering… but having the character to receive the modifier be the initiator is a good idea.

  3. reworked:

    I’ll Find you in the Drift

    When you desperately need help, advice, or reassurance from your deceased companion, ask that character’s player what they would tell you, and roll +Bonds they had with you. On a hit, you get +1 on -2 forward, as the player of the dead character chooses, and that player crosses out one the dead character’s bonds. On a 7-9, you also cannot use this move again until those you visit a place of spiritual or psionic significance.

  4. Hmm… I would do something like this:

    From Beyond the Grave

    When you desperately call for help, advice, or reassurance from a deceased companion, ask that character’s player what they would tell you and roll+Bond you have with them. On a hit, you take +1 ongoing when acting on their advice. On a 7-9, cross out one Bond you have with that character.

    I would make all the bookkeeping relate to the still living character. 

  5. maybe. I built them out of components of already-existent classes… so i would need to double-check the licence status of the various sources.  

  6. most of the components are from core dungeon world or inverse world, although the Psi Warrior does rather rely on mechanics taken from the as-yet-unreleased dungeon world war supplement… so I don’t know how cool Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel would be with me sharing that… 

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