When a Wizard or Cleric casts a spell, they don’t lose it on a 10+, can choose to lose it on a 7-9, what happens on a 6-? Obviously it’s an opportunity for the GM to make a move, but should the spell be lost as well? If not, would forcing the spell to be lost be a valid move for the GM to make?
When a Wizard or Cleric casts a spell, they don’t lose it on a 10+, can choose to lose it on a 7-9, what happens on…
When a Wizard or Cleric casts a spell, they don’t lose it on a 10+, can choose to lose it on a 7-9, what happens on…
“Use up their resources” is a totally valid GM move, so I would definitely say losing the spell would be a good start.
It is a “Consume a resource move”. It’s a valid hard move but is preferable to use something that create fiction. Maybe the spell hits the wrong target or have an unexpected effect… be creative :)
At my table the spell backfires with spectacular consequences
There isn’t a universal “preferable” GM move to use when the spellcaster gets a 6- on their Cast A Spell move. If you want to use the Use up their resources GM move, then go right ahead. If you want to use the Deal damage GM move, that’s cool too. Advance a Grim Portent if you want. Make a monster move. Anything you feel is appropriate is a good move, John Kramer.
I usually advance something offstage – thanks for the advice everyone. Just looking for more tools for my GM toolbox.
“The spell goes off perfectly, though you forget it for now… Boy, there’s nothing like the rush of channeling pure arcane power and bending it to your whim, am I right? Hey, write six small boxes on your sheet next to the Cast a Spell move, and fill the first one in.”
So what happens when box #6 is crossed?
I’m sure you’ll think of something.
I’ve also had the casting interrupted and not had them forget it. Just depends on what makes sense in the scene.
Peter Johansen that’s a great idea. I poisoned the wizard in my campaign with a magic targeting poisoned. The boxes on the character sheet would be a great way to track that.
I’m currently playing a dungeon world campaign a friend is running. My human wizard took cure light wounds. In between encounters or when we make camp I will heal the party. Sometimes it comes up 6- instead of having me lose the spell or attacking with a creature, etc he disallows me from attempting to cure the same party member again until after I’ve rested. His motivation was to prevent an xp smorgasbord on failed healing. I’ll use some of these the next time I run.
David McCheyne you should take a look at this thread for more ideas on what to do for failed spellcasting.
Yep. I just told my GM to look at all your evil ideas. I’m a glutton for punishment. 🙂
a deep stony laugh rumbles down the corridor from deeper in the dungeon
David McCheyne excellent.
The last 6- in my campaign for a magic spell was for cure light wounds. Earlier they had broken up a giant ant colony, although a few warriors escaped with eggs from the Queen’s nest (which the Druid knows will hatch into new queen(s) since they killed the old one). The power from the spell was overcharged, the whole tunnel bathed for a second in life-giving light that raced away from them to parts unknown…
So, what happens when you magically accelerate the hatching of new giant ant queens? I don’t know, but we’re going to find out in a session or two I’m sure!!
Could she cast it again? SURE. They can’t give me another 6- if they’re not rolling to cast….
The fact that ANYTHING can happen when magic rolls a 6- is part of what makes it magical. I like to tailor them to specific spell effects…if you roll a 6- on speaking with the dead, for example, you get the wrong ghost, or you offend the spirit, who now haunts you.