4 thoughts on “Wrote my first Adventure Front.”

  1. Sounds like a fun game.

    Since you asked for suggestions: consider making the grim portents more specific, observable, and/or preventable. By making them specific & observable, you plan out an order of operations and also give yourself a way to present that information to the PCs.  By making them preventable, you make sure that you’re playing to find out.

    So “The Order… sends Sour’Mon to retrieve…” isn’t great, because really, that’s going to happen, right?  And there’s no way for the PCs to know or prevent it from happening, yes? 

    Likewise, “the gem is discovered at the theive’s guild” jumps straight to “the gem is returned to the chapel.” There’s a whole lot of implied interrim steps there that the PCs could observe, react to, and or prevent.

    So maybe something like:

    1) Sour’Mon arrives in __ in pursuit of the gem (the PCs can’t really stop this, but it’s something they can observe and react to)

    2) Sour’Mon learns that the gem is being held in the thieve’s guild (the PCs might be able to prevent this if they’re very careful/paranoid)

    3) Sour’Mon raids the thieves guild and makes off the gem (the PCs can definitely affect this outcome)

    4) The gem is returned to the chapel (again, the PCs can stop this if they go after Sour’Mon)

    5) Chresto begins the rituals to bring the gem’s power under his control (another chance for the PCs to prevent the doom)

    DOOM: Chresto completes the rituals & brings the gem under his control, allowing him to __ (now Cresto is a serious big bad, and he becomes a new, more powerful danger than the Order itself ever was)

    Now, take all of this with a grain of salt. Unless you’re publishing this for others to use, fronts/dangers/grim portents/dooms are for a tool for you. Don’t make them any more detailed than you’ll benefit from.

  2. Jeremy had good advice. It doesn’t seem railroady to me at all. Cut scenes where you as the GM gets  to have a big bad Soliloquy or commands underlings is a great way to ‘reveal an unwelcome truth’.

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