Originally shared by J. Walton
A bit of fun this morning, then back to work… #Planarch3030
A bit of fun this morning, then back to work… #Planarch3030
Originally shared by J. Walton
A bit of fun this morning, then back to work… #Planarch3030
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J. Walton when can I throw money at you for this?
Not sure but Philip LaRose tells me July 1 is the 30th anniversary of the publication of Neuromancer, so I’ll try to release a full draft then? It’ll be free before I charge money for it, since it’ll need playtesting.
Awesome! I cant wait to play it!
Five days and counting! We just wrapped up our Planarch Codex game and are excited to try this one out.
I’ve done a lot of work on it, but still got a ways to go. Not sure I can promise July 1, especially with GoPlay this weekend, but definitely plan to release an alpha draft sometime this month.
J. Walton I will look for you at GoPlay to say hello 🙂 I will be there on Sat.
Sweet. I look forward to hearing about your game in person!
So whats this? Is it just a setting or will it have playbooks aswell? Either way I like what im seeing.
want want want
Shadi Alhusary Not entirely clear yet. It will probably have the equivalent of playbooks, but it could be a single-playbook thing or they just might look really different from standard DW playbooks.
It’ll be instupituous.
UPDATE! Please 😉 Im looking forward to this.
Ha. Not a lot of news yet… been working on other projects. When this starts moving forward you’ll be the first to know!