Just a heads up; we’ve still got 2 seats open for tonight’s game!

Just a heads up; we’ve still got 2 seats open for tonight’s game!

Just a heads up; we’ve still got 2 seats open for tonight’s game!

Originally shared by Kasper Brohus Allerslev

I just read through the Fate Game Creation rules, the rules on starting a campaign. It’s a bit backwards compared to standard Dungeon World, but I want to try it in a one-shot.

Here’s the model, as a chronological step by step guide:

1. Discuss premise (basically what ties the characters together)

2. Talk “big issues” in the world.

3. Talk about “faces and places”.

4 Then make characters.

We’ll also follow an equivalent character creation schemes as that in Fate:

1. Choose and fill out playbooks.

2. Describe each characters’ first adventure.

3. Tie characters together by talking about adventures they’ve shared.

If anyone wants to join in on the experiment then join in! There’ll be a limit to four characters, for my sanity’s sake.


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