I’m considering an augmentation to the Supply move to include selling items, as my group wants a Cash Converter…

I’m considering an augmentation to the Supply move to include selling items, as my group wants a Cash Converter…

I’m considering an augmentation to the Supply move to include selling items, as my group wants a Cash Converter option:

Supply / Offload

When you go to buy something with gold on hand, if it’s something readily available in the settlement you’re in, you can buy it at market price. If it’s something special, beyond what’s usually available here, or non-mundane, or you wish to sell something, roll+Cha. 

✴On a 10+, you find what you’re looking for at a fair price, and people will buy your unwanted items for 75% of their market value.

✴On a 7–9, you’ll have to pay more or settle for something that’s not exactly what you wanted, but close. The GM will tell you what your options are. People will buy some of your unwanted items at 50% of their value.

✴On a miss: No stock, and no takers.

One thought on “I’m considering an augmentation to the Supply move to include selling items, as my group wants a Cash Converter…”

  1. I would make a miss harsher, but keep it open-ended. An example could be that someone takes you as a black market dealer, even if you’re not, and calls for the authority. Use their move against them.

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