

Hello. I’m new to playing Dungeon World and tabletop games in general. I’ve read about them but not gotten a chance to play much. Due to personal reasons, I don’t use a webcam or microphone myself. I have limited experience dming – I dm by typing, the others could type or speak as necessary.

I live in the U.K.. I can generally make U.S. East timings on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I can try to make U.S. West timings if I know in advance and if it’s permissible with my other schedulings.

10 thoughts on “Hello.”

  1. Play-By-Post isn’t something I’m interested in, sorry. I enjoy playing real-time but because of personal reasons, I find it very offputting for me to use any form of communication more direct than typing. I’m sorry.

    I wouldn’t mind coming next week. When would that be? Would I need to prepare? Would my muteness get in the way? I can type reasonably quickly.

  2. In my experience, typing while everyone else is talking is very difficult, not only for you, but also for the other players and especially the GM.

    Typing while everyone else is typing is possible, but DW was not exactly made for it.

    Good luck to you lady, hope you find something that works for you.

  3. I agree with Matt Smith. I type 120 WPM with no errors. But all early attempts to DM via typing while others had voice was pure chaos. If you are one on one, it is manageable but when you involve two or three people it gets crazy pretty fast. The name of the game is catch up ^_^;. Have you considered using something like MapTool? Everybody types and it is rather popular. Shouldn’t be hard to find gamers who are already used to the type only based format over on their forums and possibly here or on reddit.

  4. I have been in and/or MCed a bunch of games in google docs (Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Dungeon Planet, Monsterhearts).  They tend to be a mix between real time and play by post.  And it works pretty awesome.  For some games I prefer it over face-to-face.  If you wanted to MC one I’d be happy to play and show you the ropes.

  5. dave ring if you don’t mind me asking, how does running a game via google docs tend to work? I’ve never heard of that being used for such a purpose before.

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