Hey there! Brand new GM needs practice!
I am going to be running a one-shot this Saturday! I need two-three more players to join. I am in PACIFIC TIME. Attached is the doodle poll to sign up if you are interested. Make sure you choose your time zone in the drop down in the upper right!
This is perfect for new players – but if you are an old hat at DW, that’s cool, too! Just know that is my VERY FIRST GAME as a GM. So have patience with me!
I have lots of theatre, improv, radio and youtube experience so I think I am ready to give this a go.
What you need: A WEBCAM, A headset and microphone, a free ROLL20 account and a DROPBOX account and IMAGINATION.
This will be run in google hangouts and roll20.
We will be using form-fillable PDF character sheets in your own dropbox account, so I can see the sheets updated as we go.
Hope to get some DW love going on. Come join me!
I’ve tried to push my wife your way but no luck yet.
I’m down if the time works out
I can join as long as we start at 1 or 2
Brian Bloom
I’ve got all the folks I need but if someone does not show I will let you know. 🙂
Alrighty. Thanks! I’d also be open to just spectating too. I’ve DMed D&D before, but new to DW. Hoping to see it in action at some point. 🙂