Is it possible for me to purchase the classes for Pirate World right now?

Is it possible for me to purchase the classes for Pirate World right now?

Is it possible for me to purchase the classes for Pirate World right now? I checked the kickstarter and it said 4 of the 7 classes were completed, the remaining three were to be finished within days. Have all of the classes been completed now? I ask because I’m considering running a game of Razor Coast by Frog God Games and I could use some Pirate themed classes ^_^

8 thoughts on “Is it possible for me to purchase the classes for Pirate World right now?”

  1. That looks like such a cool setting, but shelling out 40$ for a PDF is a lot.  I assume you are adapting stuff from Pathfinder?  Sadly I have somewhat of an addiction to setting collections.

  2. It actually comes in a Swords & Wizardry version. This version has been retooled for OSR style of play vs Pathfinder/D&D3.x, on top of stats for S&W. It is very expensive, I agree. At the same time, I think I can do a ton with it. It is supposed to be part setting, part adventure path, and part sandbox.

    There are four supplements for it, three of which are translated to S&W. The ship combat book apparently didn’t translate well to S&W and it was scrapped. The company said they didn’t feel comfortable putting out the product given their reputation for having high standards for their products. It didn’t make the cut, which is downright horrible. The system is supposed to model Master & Commander style ship battles =(

    A lot of big names worked on it and the art is supposed to be top notch and plentiful. I even read that Frank Mentzer is even listed as one of the writers for Razor Coast. I can’t imagine I wouldn’t get $40 worth of entertainment out of a 544pg PDF.

  3. Hi! Sorry for the very slow reply! Classes aren’t finished yet, I’m reworking all of the later ones from scratch after the final draft wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. I’ll be releasing them all as DTRPG books after the project is released to backers, and you can become a project backer too. Should have a late backer page up this weekend!

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