Hello everyone, this is my first post.

Hello everyone, this is my first post.

Hello everyone, this is my first post. Having run a couple of sessions with my mates I’ve made a bit of a weapon list. So you can have a look if you like. 

That isn’t my main point though, I’m just wondering how potent a tag should be, do they need to be mechanical, or is flavour enough? To be honest, it seems to be enough; if a tag can make a monster or person react differently, I think it is doing it’s job.

For example, a whip has the “disarming” tag, which makes it good at all the things a whip should do. It grant no +1 to anything, the player is just more likely to say “I lash his hand so he drop’s his sword” and for my part I’m inclined to let that happen.


31 thoughts on “Hello everyone, this is my first post.”

  1. So, disarming and terrifying are two tags that I’ve heard people talking about but I’ve never seen them in any literature. Are these fan-made or legit original tags? Anyone have a source of all of these tags? What does adaptable do?

  2. I think “-defying” might be cooler as a generic tag, like “Defies Arrows”, “Defies Disarm” (for, I don’t know, something with a snug grip?), etc. And rather than a free 10+, it’s fictional positioning (or maybe a +1-ongoing).

    Similarly, “-bane” could be made generic, against certain enemy types.

  3. You’re right on about the defy tag, that one was made during play so it’s bit rushed.

    I do like the shifter bane one though, after all, it is fiction based and there is nothing stopping some other weapon having a fairy bane or orc bane tag. There isn’t a limit on them.

  4. No, that’s what I mean, exactly! 🙂

    So, there is in the tag catalog “[type]-bane: +1-damage against monsters of [type]”, and then you can have “Shifter-bane”, “Fae-bane”, etc.

    It’s really just a semantics thing, we are both saying the same thing. 😀

  5. Love this community.  Played D&D my whole life and who knew with simpler rules you can have more fun and tons of option.  Saving this list of tags to make my own artifacts!

  6. Looks great! Some suggestions if you want to go real rather than D&D real

    The rapier shouldn’t have piercing and all the pole arms and axes should. 

    (Rapiers are designed for duelling without armour. Pole arms are designed specifically to deal with it).

    All weapons longer than a shortsword (what D&D calls a longsword for some reason) should have the awkward tag to represent the fact that they can’t be easily uncrossed from a parry in close quarters. 

  7. I feel like realistic weapons should be another list for another day. Perhaps you could cook one up?

    In my head the rapier doesn’t go through armour, it just finds a weak point or a lack of armour on the neck or leg, you know?

  8. Terrifying is an existing monster tag. There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t apply it to a weapon if it’s really scary (maybe it’s so famous that everyone recognises it on sight, or it just radiates a magic aura of fear) – my Assassin has a move that lets him turn shadows into a weapon with the precise, reach, area and terrifying tags, because being eaten alive by shadows is scary.

  9. Stuart McDermid “All weapons longer than a shortsword (what D&D calls a longsword for some reason) “

    You’re a young person, I guess? So you think a longsword is (essentially) one with a grip for two hands, a shortsword is a sword used in one hand, and a weapon of under two feet is a “Long Knife”?

    These are all recent definitions. In my youth, the D&D versions were not incorrect. I’m particularly resentful that the sidearm of Romans of the Late Republic is not called a sword. Kids of today, Get Off My Lawn, whippersnapper, grumble, grumble, bletch.

  10. Adrian Brooks I’m afraid you are mistaken. I’m a Historical Fencer with around 12 years of experience. I haven’t translated anything myself but I’ve worked with other people’s translations (as well as with English and Scottish sources that I think are better anyway as a rule) and interpreted techniques from them.  

    Anyway, what I think and know and have done doesn’t really matter.

    You would have to agree though that what is written in manuals of various nationalities in period does matter. Generally, period folks were a little less finicky than we are in naming weapons. When one fell out of favour, they tended to just call the new one “sword” same as the old one. The Germans (unsurprisingly) were a little more exacting. 

    Here’s a picture of a longsword from Hans Talhoffer’s manual of 1467. This is what the Swabians (now part of Germany) called a Langschwert. Long-sword. This is clearly not a 1 handed weapon. 

    For interests’ sake, here’s one from Italy via Fiore dei Liberi 1409. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ms._M.383_13v14r.png

    You can see that Fiore’s weapon is quite a bit shorter but it is still used in two hands except when grappling or when employed (in only a few plates) from an underarm ward (posture of stance) as a “universal defence” to get to grappling. The Italians weren’t much for names, they called pretty much any sword of any shape a Spada almost without exception (as far as the sources tell us). 

    George Silver, an Englishman, whose work was published in 1599 (not by him) uses long and short to describe weapons of a good and overlong design rather than how many hands they are held in.

    He calls a sword that it is be used in two hands, a two handed sword and recommends the blade be the same length as your shortsword (one handed sword). (My perfect length blade according to Silver is around 35 inches).

    As for long knives, definitions vary by culture from the relatively specific Sgian Dubhs and Dirks of Scotland to  the German word Messer which refers to anything one handed sword like in the medieval period. Seax which is an old English word for knife can refer to something choppy and a couple of feet long.    

    Hope this helps.   

  11. I’ve added a few more; I’m fond of the Dragonslayer’s tag “etheric”, which allows it to bypass the natural armour of magical creatures, but not regular armour.

  12. How about some sort of tag that indicates that certain weapons can get stuck?

    I have no idea on a one word name for it.

    Sometimes a weapon (particularly pole arms designed as can-openers) can get stuck in someone’s armour.

  13. I think this’ll keep for now, I only wanted to put some basic weapons down. Magical weapons will be another list some time, with weird tags put right underneath the weapon for better reference. I hope people have a use for it and put squeeze drakes in their own worlds.

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