Have I missed a link to the in-progress Inglorious battle rules?
Have I missed a link to the in-progress Inglorious battle rules?
Have I missed a link to the in-progress Inglorious battle rules?
Have I missed a link to the in-progress Inglorious battle rules?
Have I missed a link to the in-progress Inglorious battle rules?
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Right now they’re only for in preview for Kickstarter backers. Coming to everyone later this year.
David Guyll Aaron Sturgill You can get a copy of the preview if you follow the instructions here: http://www.dungeon-world.com/the-adventurers-guild/
ah, of course, one must link his APs in english, right?
Hey, I did that and got a nice note back from Adam, but no Adventurer’s Guild (it was still awesome to get a note from Adam). Is it possible that’s not a thing anymore?
Adventurer’s Guild is still a thing, but Adam sometimes doesn’t send out a link to the download page. Email us again and say “Hey Adam, remember to ask Sage for the link to the Guild download page if you forgot it. You should have put it in this email.”
We also email the Guild for each new thing we post.
Sage LaTorra
Whine. Why can’t I kickstart? I want to kickstart!
I emailed the Guild some time ago, but i put a link to an Italian post, on Gente che Gioca. Is it legal? or do I have to translate? I guarantee it was useful on that forum ;))
We accept any language! If you didn’t hear back, email again. Sometimes we’re bad people and get behind on email and miss something.
When Sage says “we” here he means “Adam”.
Mia culpa!
Fantastic!! I Didn’t want to be a pain in the… But I’m SO curious about the mass combat.
I’m a fan of this kind of thing since the Exalted MC rules came out.