In our new campaign, we have some new races (or subraces).

In our new campaign, we have some new races (or subraces).

In our new campaign, we have some new races (or subraces).

One player wanted to play a Drow Cleric of the god of Secrets and Power. So, we decided on a Drow racial move for the Cleric:

Drow Cleric – The clergy of your race demands obedience in its subject. Cause Fear is a rote for you.

We also had a Lizardman Fighter. In this setting, lizardmen are kind of big and burly, with long tails. We made the following racial moves:

Lizardman Fighter – Your race is tall and heavy, and you leverage this when you fight. Your melee attacks are forceful.

Lizardman Druid – Your race hail from the Stinking Mire. In addition to your other attunements, it is always considered your land.

Lizardman Thief – Your long tail is prehensile, and you are as deft with it as you are with your hands.

9 thoughts on “In our new campaign, we have some new races (or subraces).”

  1. I imagine No, the tail just gives fictional positioning; like being able to talk to the mark and engage him in conversation at a polite distance with your hands in plain, law-abiding view, while still robbing him blind behind his back.

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