#RangerWeek question: I’m curious what the inspiration was for “God Amidst the Wastes”. Were there fictional models? Does it have to do with Aragorn healing people in Fellowship and Return? Or is it an homage to a classic multi-class combo? If so, I didn’t know the Ranger-Cleric was a thing in D&D; please illuminate me.
My daughter’s Ranger picked this move after leveling up yesterday on Death Mountain.
The 1st edition ranger had druidical spells (and wizard). I assumed “God Amidst the Wastes” was as a homage.
At level 9, an AD&D Ranger is able to cast spells.
Also, Colonel Kurtz.
Thanks! I only played a little of 2e and Basic, and a bunch of Tunnels & Trolls, so the AD&D Ranger is new to me.
As long as we’re going all D&D…
One With The Land
Choose a land from the druid’s Born of the Soil list. While you are in your chosen land you take +1 ongoing to Hunt and Track and Called Shot.