Just putting this out there for all the people I have played Hangout games with, or may hopefully play hangout games…

Just putting this out there for all the people I have played Hangout games with, or may hopefully play hangout games…

Originally shared by Craig “Tezrak” Hatler

Just putting this out there for all the people I have played Hangout games with, or may hopefully play hangout games with.

I don’t Hangout while I’m with my fiancee. We have limited face to face time together with each other as it is (weekends and holidays), as we unfortunately are not yet living together, and even though she is personally totally okay if I decided I want to do it, it makes me feel bad spending time in the same place with her while I’m involved in something with other folks that she’s not involved in. I could totally get her involved, but I’m glad that we get to play the games that I can get her interested in, so I don’t often nudge.

If I have Hangout-gamed with you before, then I’ve probably brought this up already. If I haven’t, then here ya go. I really don’t feel that I owe anyone an explanation (except for you fine people that I have or who I want to Hangout game with), but I’m all for transparency.