John Allder Stephens wrote:

John Allder Stephens wrote:

John Allder Stephens wrote:

Today I met up with Travis Newcomb “The RPG Guy” and played session one of Dungeon World, Creep on the Borderlands (inspired by the classic dungeon module by Gary Gygax). The delvers were so cautious I was worried that the game might veer into boredom, but I guess my style is more intense than they expected. I’m used to playing with a reckless and wild band that includes my nephew, but it’s no wonder that other players have a little more sanity. We had a great time, and I can’t wait to brew up some Fronts for session two.

One thought on “John Allder Stephens wrote:”

  1. When you do write these fronts, can you post them somewhere?

    I’ve ran over a dozen sessions around the Keep and the Caves (with my own wacky twists) and I’m curious to see how it works with your group.

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