Sooo… Todays winner of the Bardic Compendium Class Contest is Tim Franzke with his suggestion on a Bongo Bard!

Sooo… Todays winner of the Bardic Compendium Class Contest is Tim Franzke with his suggestion on a Bongo Bard!

Sooo… Todays winner of the Bardic Compendium Class Contest is Tim Franzke with his suggestion on a Bongo Bard!

Seriously though, people should post more suggestions, or else I’m running out by tomorrow and I would have to make up concepts myself!

Bongó el Monte

When you have learned the complex magical rhythms of the bongo you may take this move the next time you level:

Guerilla Warfare

When you steel your allies before an ambush and they dance to the bongo as a part of your Arcane Performance, they all get the benefits of the performance.

Once you’ve taken “Guerilla Warfare,” the following moves count as class moves for you. In addition to your normal list of moves, you may choose from this list when you gain a level.

Night of the Armadillo

It is told that Night was stolen from the armadillo to end the Eternal Day. When you play a rhythm on the bongo to push the the sun from the sky, roll+DEX. On a 10+ the sun vanishes and the land is enshrouded in darkness for the time being. On a 7-9 you must pay the price of interfering with nature. The GM will give you a choice between danger or cost.

Friend of the Guije

You have learned how to lure the playful and naughty guije through song and play. When you play the bongo to call on the guije roll+DEX. On a 10+ you summon a pair, man and woman, who will do you a favor of trickery, though they will harm no one in the process. On a 7-9 they still grant you a favor, but they demand some kind of compensation or favor in return.

Night Time Stories

When you make camp and tell a story to the rhythm of the bongo. Say who and what the story is about and gain one of the following benefits:

– If it is about home or love, everyone is soothed and heals 1d8.

– If it is about heroic exploits, everyone is strengthened by confidence and take +1 forward to defy danger.


Sources of inspiration

The bongo is a Cuban instrument, so I drew from Cuban tales and legends.

Link on guijes:

Link on Hatuey who fought the Spanish through guerilla warfare:

Link on the story about how the people stole the armadillo’s night so they could rest:,,1099896,00.html

Inspirational music: Johnny “Dandy” Rodriguez with J. Delgado, Bongo Riffs

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