Guys, something is wrong with the animal companion bases.

Guys, something is wrong with the animal companion bases.

Guys, something is wrong with the animal companion bases.

• Ferocity +2, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +1

• Ferocity +2, Cunning +2, 0 Armor, Instinct +1

• Ferocity +1, Cunning +2, 1 Armor, Instinct +1

• Ferocity +3, Cunning +1, 1 Armor, Instinct +2

Comparing the 1st and 4th options the ranger doesn’t have a choice at all. He always will pick the last one.

13 thoughts on “Guys, something is wrong with the animal companion bases.”

  1. Instincts equates to amount of weaknesses the animal companion has. Also, if you look under the last option for Command:

    • … and someone interferes with you, add its instinct to their roll.

    So the drawback to the last option is having the +2 instinct (as opposed to the other options); however, you do get +3 ferocity.

    Still, I don’t agree that a Ranger would always pick the last one. To me, it also depends on what animal the companion is when picking its stats. 

  2. Instinct is bad. They get +instinct to interfere and you have to take a second weakness. So an oft forgotten detail on a rare move and a purely narrative disadvantage. Arguably much better than the 1st option but there are totally downsides there.

  3. 2 cunning however is really good. Extra training is really useful. It’s not only for command. If you have guard training your animal can guard!

  4. I’ve run into problems when running the Ranger – the animal companion seems like a handy proxy for the ranger to get to do things for in lieu of the PC – I find it runs into the old D&D problem of the Druid getting ‘extra actions’  (i.e. the Wolf attacks THIS guy and attack the other one!)  it make sense in the fiction, but seems a little more powerful than I’d like

    Also: why does the animal companion have armor? It stirkes me as odd that a thing without HP or play-like stats really needs to work with that.)

    Any pointers on how to run the animal companion ‘properly’?

  5. The AC has armor because you can use thei armor to protect yourself.

    I wouldn’t send my wolf against anything nastier then a goblin, you are setting yourself up for a golden opportunity.

  6. Dylan Hoover Show the weaknesses of the class: separate them, put the animal in danger and force the Range to choose, etc. Ask questions: is the animal a beloved pet, a grudging servant, a trusted ally? Are they afraid of something? Is there something that they’ll attack on sight? Build on the answers to both help and hurt, as appropriate to the roll.

  7. Actually, seperating the ranger from his pet could be a pretty good move sometimes. Just don’t do it too often as it quickly gets stale. And never force it; make it a difficult choice! On a miss you could ask the player if he wants to be separated from his pet or the party 😉

    I really think that the Animal Companion should be treated much like the Signature Weapon in that regard; it’s a core part of what makes the ranger cool. Don’t f*ck him over by taking it away too often.

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