Would anyone else be interested in a “For Use With Dungeon World” logo by chance? I was messing around with one to slap on some things earlier and thought I would ask. Oh, and if this exists somewhere already, let me know. I took a quick look around and didn’t anything, but who knows. Anyway, here’s what I have so far…
I’d love that!
Giovanni Lanza Cool! I’ll likely have a number of formats available for it, including vector, transparent png’s, etc.
Glad to hear it! My Photoshop’s acting funny, so the variety of formats will be nice.
I love you for doing this.
Rafael Rocha Danilo Kobold Vocês tavam falando a respeito…
I would suggest using the original D and W with the torches. Anyways, it is up to the owners of the IP and brand to decide.
Wynand Louw I avoided using them intentionally.
– edit –
In fact, I meant to tag Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel – see if they had any feedback/concerns 😉
That’s awesome. I would wear that patch on my jacket. Nice.
It’s great! You might want to make a monochrome version for folks who want to use it on their cover but aren’t comfortable adding a big yellow sticker.
If you want the DW logo, feel free to hit us up by email, but I kind of like what you’ve got going on here.
Yeah, I dig this a lot. When you’re happy with it I think I’d be cool with making it “official” (as official as anything DW gets) and posting it to our site. Of course I’d have to talk with Adam, but let me know if that’s something you’re interested in.
Oh yea, that would be awesome! I just finished everything this morning, so I’ll email you in a bit about it 😉
Love that logo! Looks great. I would love to have them.
Adam Koebel That was a good idea, and I have since created monochrome versions (And emailed Sage LaTorra )
And yea, I really liked it as is and felt it was better to not use the actual logo/lettering (for a few reasons). Thanks!
Stickers! I’ll stick them on rats!
Next edition of Number Appearing, Krusty Wightbred? Could you give us more information about it?
Mr Mike Weem do you mind to share the source file?
Alisson Vitório Keep an eye on dungeon-world.com tomorrow (Monday) morning 😉
Here it is! http://www.dungeon-world.com/for-use-with-dungeon-world/
Mike Weem, I’d like to change some words to brazilian portuguese, do you mind to tell me what font have you used on the “Dungeon” word?
Mike Weem Sorry to dig up the past, but I’d like to second the font request, please!