


Pinch of Infinity

Legends tells that the Shadow Thief once sought to steal Time itself from the belt of the great creator of the universe. When he slipped undetected into the abode of the gods and put his fingers upon Time, the sky turned black and the earth began to tremble. The Shadow Thief relented and returned Time to its rightful place before the world would collapse into chaos. When others asked to see proof of his deeds, he had but a handful of golden sand to show them.

The sand in this pocked-sized timer has a fleck of gold in it. When you shatter the glass timer and the sand is scattered to the winds, a few moments of time are given back to you in exchange. The results of your last move are undone, and you may immediately roll again, taking +1 to the roll. However, you cannot change your move or your intention, only the dice.

3 thoughts on “#MagicItemMonday”

  1. What better place to hide sand than in a sand timer? That’s what the effect is, you’re releasing a tiny sliver of stolen time. I’d tell you the name of the Shadow Thief, but he stole that a long time ago.

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