I could do with some help here – I like the idea behind this magic item, but not the execution. Any thoughts on how it could be revised?
Focault’s Pendulum
A small ball of lead suspended on a delicate silver wire. When held aloft, it will dispense a steady trickle of salt which never seems to run out. When suspended and left to naturally swing for an hour or so, the salt will eventually form a pattern on the ground.
When you consult the pattern formed by Focault’s Pendulum, roll+INT. On a 10+, you may ask the GM all three questions and they must answer truthfully. On a 7-9, pick two. On a 6-, only one.
– What plane of existence or physical realm am I in?
– Which direction is north?
– Where is the nearest ocean?
(If you saw my preview earlier this week, no surprises for what inspired this particular item!)
For a start, remove the 6- option and let the GM choose something appropriate. Not sure otherwise, it seems pretty sound.
Awesome. I love this.
Yeah, nix 6- option and give the 7-9 result only 1 pick.
How about “In which direction is home, or the nearest portal to my home plane?”
Fair enough – glad it’s had a good reception. I think I’ll change ‘what direction is north’ to ‘what direction is home’ – not every plane has a north! And yep Wynand Louw – that’s the general idea