12 thoughts on “Hi”

  1. Good stuff – certainly could use some more work/adjustments, but it looks like you know that. With that said, I immediately thought of a move and worked it up really quick…

    Exaggerate Injury

    When you are missed with an attack but pretend it has seriously injured you, you gain 1 hold. Spend one hold to make the target take one of these actions:

    – Focus their next attack on someone other than you

    – Focus their next attack on you, but putting themselves in a dangerous situation to do it

  2. Hi Mike

    This was the idea behind “selling it”, but I think this captures the spirit of it much better, and makes much more sense in the fiction. With your permission I would like to work this into “Selling it”


  3. Sell It (Cha)

    Whenever you take damage in a fight after you successfully Worked the Crowd (7+), pretend is is more serious than it really is.  Roll+cha.

    On 10+: Choose 2

    On 7-9: Choose 1

    You have the crowd’s sympathy: Take +1 forward to your next move against your opponent.

    Focus your opponent’s next attack on someone other than you

    Focus your opponent’s next attack on you, but putting themselves in a dangerous situation to do it

  4. …just read it again – I didn’t even see that one, so yea, very much the same concept. I like your name (Sell It) better though – more fitting for a move than mine.

  5. I think it is more clear now that I have worked your suggestion in. Most people probably don’t know what pro wrestling is all about, so they wouldn’t get it.  🙂

  6. Looks like a fun class to play! How about giving the championship belt +1 weight but 1 armour, then making that the only armour the pitfighter’s allowed to wear?

  7. I’ve changed the belt. My only concern is that removing the +1 armor might nerf the character? (Since this replaces the leather armor)

    A championship belt. It’s sheer awesomeness grants you armor +1. (1 weight) When you lose a boss fight, it loses it’s awesomeness and armor bonus, until you win a big boss fight again. (Ask the GM.)

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