I see that there is a lot of fan created material – is there some place (wiki?) that lists them all? Like new classes and monsters what I’m after now.
I see that there is a lot of fan created material – is there some place (wiki?) that lists them all?
I see that there is a lot of fan created material – is there some place (wiki?) that lists them all?
Josh McGraw
Nice. Let’s hope that in near future Codex will be rehashed for easier browsing. I’m new here and I’m surprised noone made a wiki with all this stuff.
Tim’s links don’t even cover half of it.
All of the content made by SA is in this OP: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3540201 (not currently paywalled, may be paywalled at a later date)
There’s a mirror on nerdwerds but that’s a few months out of date.
I’m in the early stages of organizing a large wiki project to consolidate things. Stay tuned. I’ll be looking for volunteers.