Did anyone see the Witcher class for DW? I saw only a compendium. Is there a basic class?
Did anyone see the Witcher class for DW? I saw only a compendium. Is there a basic class?
Did anyone see the Witcher class for DW? I saw only a compendium. Is there a basic class?
Ernesto Pavan did a few things here in the community but nothing more i can find. Just make a search for Witcher.
Thanks. I’ll try.
I wrote a very witcher-inspired class here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B94zELwEwdHsUzFyZXRpaVlmRGM
Andrey Barsky thanks! Exactly what I needed.
That witcher class is really cool, but insanely over powered.
Insanely overpowered. Other players in the group could feel useless…
Definitely overpowered. Why bring a fighter when you can bring this guy?
When you’re writing a new base class or compendium class, try to fill a role that is not well handled by existing classes. This looks too much like a fighter with a bunch of automatic win abilities against monsters.
Also the healing stuff completely breaks the pace of the game.
OT ” Why bring a fighter when you can bring this guy?”
This sentence works with every class. Sad but true.
feel free to houserule for your own use! I wrote it as a response to caster supremacy, it’s probably stronger than the base classes but I don’t like playing with those anyway, there are more dynamic and fun classes out there.
I wrote a compendium class over on 2d6cents.com. Add it to your favorite class. Bam, presto!
Yep Brian Engard I saw it and liked it very much.
Don’t get me wrong Andrey, I really like at least the first page of the class. It feels very inspired, just some input on balance problems I saw. I think I am going to take your work there and build off of it for my own slayer class.
Andrey Barsky I think the Grisly Trophy move should be an advanced move (LV2 – LV5) and the Bone Armor a LV6 – LV10 advanced move, for example.