


New Level 2-5 Move


When you sit down to prepare your spells you can infuse some of your spells into talismans, 

trinkets, wands or other spell containers to give to one of your allies. 

When they activate such a trinket they roll+your Int

On a 10+ the spell is successfully cast 

On a 7-9 in addition  the spell is successfully cast but the trinket is exhausted 

You may prepare half your level worth of spells into a trinket instead of your mind

8 thoughts on “#WizardWeek”

  1. I would add some Coin or Rare material cost. I don’t know if I want to start adding formulas  and things, but a healing potion is strictly one use and costs 50 to purchase. These trinkets could be much more efficacious.

  2. yeah but you invested an advanced move on them. And it’s not that they give you more spells; it’s just that you can cast spells using your allies as the point of origin (and without having all the 7-9 options).

    All in all, a very cool move!

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