#WizardWeek #hirelings
I’ve written up a new hireling skill; I’d like to see a wider range of hireling skills, especially homebrewed ones that people have come up with!
An Acolyte is an assistant in the arcane arts, who takes up magic in an almost fanatical sense, obsessed with ritualistic practice.
Powerhouse – When given sufficient time and safety the Acolyte can set up a temporary place of power, to perform any kind of magical practice. The condition “The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited” will always be added to a ritual using Powerhouse, and cannot be vetoed.
Ritual Assistance – When performing Ritual, you may choose to veto a number of GM conditions equal/up-to the Acolyte’s skill -1. All vetoed conditions will reflect back onto the Acolyte in some negative fashion, sometimes even invoking an Order Hirelings roll due to risk. If 4 conditions are ever vetoed at once, then the Acolyte dies from the magical backlash of the ritual.
mmm maybe sime kind of assistence during a spell that reflects the “empowered magic” move… with the skill level influencing different level of spells
I would add that the Powerhouse place of power will always add the “The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited” condition and it can’t be vetoed away. Otherwise these guys are EXTREMLY powerful.
Really cool option though.
Tim Franzke
great idea, I’ll add it now!
and/or the option “You and your allies will risk danger from __” because maybe the “magial laboratory” isn’t that safe after all…
Nikitas Thlimmenos
The adept already does something similar plus more, I was more trying to make a magic based hireling that didn’t revolve around casting spells
lo, you’re right, I forgot!
Oh man! I didn’t even see this until now… Uncanny how similar our thought patterns went!