This thread is the most fun I’ve had on in years. thread is the most fun I’ve had on in years.
This thread is the most fun I’ve had on in years.
good fun or bad fun?
Good fun. Making up stuff with friends, fun.
I love this move:
Blood of the Dragons (Dragonborn, fighter)
When you take damage, you can unleash the fiery breath of your draconic kin, adding the fire, messy, and area tags to your next Hack and Slash.
Jim DelRosso is da man.
I like that move, but it shouldn’t be tied to HnS, which may not be the next fight move you’re making.
should be the next “attack” i think
Sure, as long as such an attack could be made using Defend, which also deals damage
sure. when you deal damage to them you are probarbly attacking them.
An attack is an attack if it’s an attack in the fiction – it doesn’t matter what move you roll (or if you roll none). So with that in mind, it should probably say “the next time you deal damage, you have the fire, messy and area tags” or something like that.
You could attack someone without doing damage i think? Like when you would just deal a status effect to someone?
Tim Franzke I feel like you’d have to let the fiction tell you that. If someone is on fire, they’re taking damage.
Several choice moves in there already, in mine own humble opinion.