From an IM with Jim DelRosso but definitely thinking about Richard Rogers and Bret Gillan.

From an IM with Jim DelRosso but definitely thinking about Richard Rogers and Bret Gillan.

From an IM with Jim DelRosso but definitely thinking about Richard Rogers and Bret Gillan.

“When an orc perishes, before Orcus takes them to hell to join his Eternal Horde, he commands their lifeless body to attack their murderer, in hopes that they can wait while the adventurer’s incarnation of death brings them to their afterlife’s reward, so the Orc God and the recently killed orc soul can scream orcish curses at them while the dead is marched to the Black Gates.”

The Death moves are making me consider Front/Campaign death moves for different dungeons:

The Death moves are making me consider Front/Campaign death moves for different dungeons:

The Death moves are making me consider Front/Campaign death moves for different dungeons:

When you die during the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks Your soul is captured by the ship. Once a dozen such souls are taken, it will begin producing androids, teach them to crew the ship and attempt to free itself from the mountain.

Until then, you are stuck in the mainframe unless the players find a way to re-insert your soul back into another body.

When you perish attcking the Queen of the Demon-Web Pits your soul is caught in a soul-gem in Lloth’s web. If the players find it, you could be resurrected.

When you die trying to destroy the Slave Lords you approach the Black Gates, where angels are there to meet up. Roll as per the Black Gates move. On a hit, the angels send you back into battle, thanking you for your service and letting you know that your wings will be waiting for you when you return.

On a 7-9, the angels will demand something specific, asking you do be somehow more pious in your life than you were so that your soul is more ready to do Law and Good’s work.

On a miss, the angels take you beyond the Black Gates, saying that you are not worthy of the glory that will come with scourging the slave lords from the face of Greyhawk.

When you perish in the Tomb of Horrors, you roll as per the Black Gates move. On a hit you evade Acererak’s grasp and return, knowing that a fell power squats in the Tomb, waiting for the adventurers.

On a 7-9, your ghosts evades Acererak’s pull and you are able to warn your fellow adventurers about the peril of one trap.

On a miss, Acererak devours your soul and you are never seen again.

Letters, welcoming adventurers from other worlds to Dis. Choose a world and go to town.

Letters, welcoming adventurers from other worlds to Dis. Choose a world and go to town.

Letters, welcoming adventurers from other worlds to Dis. Choose a world and go to town.

Dark Sun, Rock of Bral, Empire of the Petal Throne…where else?

Diseases, Parasites and Symbiotes

Diseases, Parasites and Symbiotes

Diseases, Parasites and Symbiotes

Feel free to contribute your own…

Vecna’s Rot

It is said you get this disease from breathing in the dust from a dead lich’s bones.

First one of your eyes begins to get dry, then you see ghosts and spirits for a few days while enduring blinding headaches and then your eye rots out of your skull. While that pain is at its worst, you might not notice the slight throbbing ache that has set in to one of your hands. Eventually, that hand will fall off of your wrist and crawl away of its own accord to do as much mischief and evil as a hand can do or become the familiar of an evil wizard.

The only known cures are a blessing from a good priest, taking out the eye before it sets in or taking off the hand before it withers or finding a follower of Vecna and either helping them become a lich or telling them a useful secret.

Is there a PDF somewhere of the Bloostone Idol and the Spanterhook Thieves’ Guild playbook-style module-things?

Is there a PDF somewhere of the Bloostone Idol and the Spanterhook Thieves’ Guild playbook-style module-things?

Is there a PDF somewhere of the Bloostone Idol and the Spanterhook Thieves’ Guild playbook-style module-things?

This is my first attempt to write a Compendium class.

This is my first attempt to write a Compendium class.

This is my first attempt to write a Compendium class.

Critique is welcome.


When you have used your arcane prowess to defeat a legendary monster and you have reached 5th level, you can become an Arch-Mage. There is no formal announcement by your peers. If you truly deserve the title, everyone just knows.

Call the Wizards’ Council

When you put forth the call and gather the great wizards of your world to council, roll + your level.

On a 12+, they gather and will listen to you, heeding your wisdom. +1 forward for all social rolls during this council.

10+ they gather and will listen to you are done speaking until bickering and feuding.

7-9 they gather and begin bickering and feuding immediately.

On a miss, none respond or maybe just one or maybe they respond angrily.

Craft your Artifact

When you have gathered the arcane ingredients necessary to create an artifact (a meaningful piece of a creature of at least 12 Hit Points, a rare mineral and a ), the GM will let you know what you need to do on this list in order to complete the artifact, checking off 1 to 4 options:

__You need the aid of a mythical beast of great renown.

__You need the aid of a legendary hero/villain/rival

__You need one more ingredient that is in a dangerous locale.

__You need the blood/heart/bone/tooth/eye of a monster or god.

__The skills of a master craftsman.

When you are done the GM will co-create the item with you, though the GM has the final say.

Create your Spell

Once a level, when you have a few months and access to an arcane library to do the proper research you may create a spell. Each time you use this spell, the level of the spell you may attempt to create goes up by 1.

Write the spell as you would like it to work. The GM may veto it, so get it into good form so that the GM is a fan of it.

Once the draft is finished, roll + INT.

12+ The spell works better than intended.

On a 10+ The spell works as intended and has a charming side-effect that reflects your own personal views or history.

On a 7-9 The spell works as intended but has some side-effects that could make life difficult for the caster.

On a miss, the spell is a bane to all who cast it.

The GM will let you know how it works and the final draft of the move as it should be written on your character sheet.

Name your spell!


When you find an NPC or PC who would make an appropriate apprentice to an Arch-Mage, ask them if they would like to be your apprentice, tell them what they will have to do in order to become a journeyman, swear oaths and begin your lessons.

Ask your apprentice their thoughts on the best course of action and if you follow their advice, take +1 forward while pursing that course of action. Mark experience if you are not successful in your pursuit and take time to discuss the apprentice’s advice and its consequences. 

What is needful

+1 for any roll in which you pursue non-magic, non-violent solutions to problems.

Wizardly Wisdom

Players gain 1XP when they take your advice about arcane matters.

Subtle and Quick to Anger

When you witness someone abusing magic in a foolish manner and you unleash your wrath upon them, roll +CHA.

12+ They must stop their abuse or  else suffer your wrath, you take +2 forward for as long as their foolery continues. 

10+ They must stop their abuse or  else suffer your wrath, you take +1 forward for as long as their foolery continues.

7-9 You take +1 for your next action against them opens you up to an attack from them.

Grey to White

When you return from the Black Gates, you may choose 1:

__ Change your name and get rid of a class move and replace it with a move from a different Class.

__ Change your name and re-make your character in a different Class at the same level.

__ A Greater Power sends you back to accomplish one goal. Take +1 when you are directly pursuing that goal and once it is achieved, leave the mortal world forever.

When you learn a new spell and have time to sit and meditate for a few hours per level on its arcane mysteries roll…

When you learn a new spell and have time to sit and meditate for a few hours per level on its arcane mysteries roll…

When you learn a new spell and have time to sit and meditate for a few hours per level on its arcane mysteries roll + INT:

On a 12+ you learn the spell and get to add a detail that makes the spell uniquely yours (to be decided by the player).

On a 10+, you learn the spell without a hitch.

On a 7-9 you learn the spell but there is a new cost or problem that now comes from casting the spell (to be decided by the GM).

On a miss, you learn the spell but it has a disastrous side-effect that now goes along with it (to be decided by the GM).

I’m writing up a DW/WoD/Planarch Codex version of Githyanki with the serial numbers filed off.

I’m writing up a DW/WoD/Planarch Codex version of Githyanki with the serial numbers filed off.

I’m writing up a DW/WoD/Planarch Codex version of Githyanki with the serial numbers filed off. I’m posting them here before I post them up on my blog for critique as they are the first monsters I have made for this system.

Thanks, Jonathan Walton for the help getting it this far:

The Silver Swords are named for the arcane weapons they carry into battle, forged from the astral chains that kept them in slavery for centuries. Since rebelling and gaining freedom from the psionic monsters who dared call themselves their masters the Silver Swords have founded a city in the Deep Astral built from the wreckage of a thousand cathedrals, the psychic detritus of dead faiths.

The Silver Swords put their faith in no deities but in the corpse of the young lady who liberated them. When she died, their warlock eunuchs set the body on their Dragon Throne and continued to rule in her name. If one of their own people should be ritually sacrificed after completing a great work, their soul will fuel the Corpse Queen, allowing her body and will to animate and rule. When she is in repose, the Silver Empire is run by the cruel warlock eunuchs.

When the queen is awake, the Silver Empire is ferocious, just and embraces change.

When the queen is dead the warlock eunuchs are in charge of the empire and the Silver Empire is then ferocious, myopic and fearful of anything or anyone who could upset the status quo.

The Silver Swords are not quite human. Maybe it was from the psychic torments of their era under slavery’s cruel tentacles or from in-breeding with all manner of dragons and mythical creatures from a hundred different worlds along the astral sea. They are humanoid in shape and bipedal but vary greatly with only a single silver eye to unite them.

A Silver Sword is a monster with these moves:

Claim land for the Silver Empire’s Corpse Queen

Make a pact with a greater mythical beast (dragon, liche, etc.)

Free slaves from their bondage

P.S. There is an off-shoot of Silver Words, those who threw down their blades, refused to worship the queen after she died. They lead lives of contemplation in floating monasteries amidst the primordial chaos from which the primordial ur-gods created everything.

The Chaos Monks are monsters with the following moves:

Release land from feudal bonds.

Give an enemy’s inner turmoil a physical incarnation.

Let others know how to destroy the economic realities that make slavery profitable.

DW Stats

Silver Sword

HP: 7

AC: +2

Damage: d8 (roll two, take the higher)

Tags: Planar

Chaos Monk

HP: 7

AC: +1

Damage: Fists, 1d6, Psychic Blast 1d8+1

Tags: Planar

Other things to stat out: The Corpse Queen, Eunuch Warlock, Silver Sword Dragonrider

Maps: Silver Empire Colonial Outpost, Silver Navy Astral Corvette, Silver Captital in the Deep Astral, Monastery in the Chaos Waste, The Deep Astral, The Chaos Wastes