Quick curiosity about choice of words for the weaknesses of the ranger’s animal companion (related to my translaction of the booklet):
>>Choose as many weaknesses as its instinct: Flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening, forgetful, stubborn, lame.
With broken, you mean “shattered mind”?
With frightening, you mean “it makes people poo in their pants (but not the enemies, that find it a sort of freak, on the contrary this would be treated like a strength…)”?
With lame, you mean “crippled body”?
Thanks in advance, Adam Koebel and Sage LaTorra
Yep, that’s pretty much the jist of it.
Another alternative buzzing in my head was: broken=crippled / frightening=frightened* / lame=boring
* I know, this is more a twist of meaning…
Are you working at an Italian translation?
Fabrizio Donatiello Not the official one (I know someone is doing that, maybe Narrattiva’s boys – as I didn’t like the work they did with Apocalypse World).
I’m translating just the playbooks for my players, ’cause english can distract from the fiction, when you’re playing here in Italy
Sidenote: Renato Salzano did a nice work (he translated all the base ones, along with some extra, unofficial etc.), I’m just heavy polishing his translation.
I took a look at the AW translation: awful, in my humble opinion (+1 forward: prossimo?! Hold: presa?! Are you kidding me?!)
So, I’m wondering, can I take a look at your translation work? I’m not going to infrange any copyright, I swear!
I’d like to run a DW session in a couple of days, with a bunch of non english-speaker players, but I don’t have time for a translation right now: so I need just the basic moves and so forth. If is it a problem, nevermind!
I’m just curious.
PS the translation you have based your work on, is it public? If yes, where can I find it? Thanks in advance for your answers! Keep up the good work!
Yes, you can ask Renato Salzano for those sheets.
About AW: I have to admit can be a real pain in the ads trying to translate that book. Prossimo, Presa etc. are not the real problems: there are a lot of wrong values, bad layout, text parts missing and other wrongly added. However, we are off topic
About my WIP, you can email me and I’ll send to you what is already done. They are free, ’cause we are following the CC license. The mail is ishmadrad A.T. Gmail
Fabrizio Donatiello: My translations are on my site: http://caretaker.altervista.org. When I have a moment where I’m enjoying less my vacations ^_^ will update the site with the work of Andrea Parducci. As Andrea writed, are free under the CC-BY-SA-NC licence.