Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone! I’m the guy writing the Fate version. I thought I would post some information about what I’m doing, and a quick preview. If you have any questions please sound off in the comments.

Fate Core

Inverse World Fate will be using Fate Core. The book is being written for people who haven’t checked it out yet, with a quick primer and no fancy new tricks in the base character creation rules. If you don’t know Fate Core, you’ll probably still want to get it for an in-depth look at aspects and such, but you should be able to play Inverse World Fate without it.

Converting Inverse World

The short version is I am converting as many moves as I can into stunts. Some of them don’t necessarily need a stunt, because Fate skills cover it: for example, the Collector’s Curiosity move as written is basically an Investigation check. In those cases, I am either writing something similar that fits the spirit of the move, replacing it with something else, or sometimes just dropping it.

There will be a lot of other stuff in this book (basically as many extras and alternate character rules as I have time for before Brandon Schmelz tells me “stop faffing about and give us the Goddamn book”) but I hope you guys like lists of stunts.

The Class Thing

Okay, so there are no classes in Inverse World. What is the deal?

Here is the deal: Stunts converted from classes are listed together. If you have an aspect that justifies it, you can take those stunts. Or you can just reskin the stunt and use it anyway. Some stunts have requirements, mostly out of necessity – stunts that improve the Mechanic’s suit need you to have the suit first, for example.

Short Preview

Here are some stunts! Feel free to pick them apart.

Cutting Remark: You get +2 to Fight attacks, provided you can make a quip or pun that gets a reaction from the rest of the table. If someone laughs, you get +3.

Acting Natural: You can spend a Fate Point to use Guile instead of any other skill for one roll, provided there’s at least one other person in the scene who isn’t aware that you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing.

It Keeps Happening: Once per scene, when you’re being chased, you can declare that an obstacle appears in your path (like a fruit cart, two men carrying a sheet of glass, stairs, or anything else that fits in context). In addition to your action, you can roll Mobility to overcome this against Fair (+2) opposition. If you succeed, you get a boost. If you succeed with style, your roll can be used as a physical attack against your opponent with the obstacle. If you fail, your opponent gets a boost.

Oh No You Didn’t: If someone makes a deal with you and doesn’t uphold their end, you can place an aspect on them to represent that debt. You can invoke this aspect once per scene on any action taken to catch up or settle the score until you get paid, get payback or have a good reason to let them go. You can only place one of these aspects at a time.

The Big Red Button: You have a Big Red Button installed in your suit. Once per session, you can dramatically slam your fist onto the Big Red Button. Whatever action you are performing automatically gets the highest possible dice result, and if it’s a suitably dramatic moment, any defense roll against it cannot be invoked on.

Imperial Background: You have connections with the military of a certain nation. When you use Connect to create advantages, you can choose to make a failure a success at a cost, a tie a success, and a success a success with style. However, if you do so the person you find has the aspect Blind Patriotism towards the nation you are associated with.

Red Shirt: Your crew starts each adventure with a redshirt. This redshirt can take a single moderate consequence for you, your allies or your ship.