Greetings Dungeon Worlders!
GenCon strikes this week, and though I’ve missed all scheduled events and whatnot, I’ll still be roaming the floor looking for pickup games. I’ve got Dungeon Crawl Classics squared away, and a bit of a pre-con cold has given me the time this weekend to prep and pocket Adventures on Dungeon Planet as well, with a healthy dose of gnarly Carcosan impressionism. And warbots.
Anyone going to the con and looking for some games?
This guy.
I’ll be there. I’ve decided to go at the last minute, so I only have a few games/obligations on my schedule.
I’d love to get into a DW game!
From the years I’ve gone before, I’m sure we can find a place to throw down.
I am going to desperately try to get my Collaborative GM plugin ready before the con. We’ll see.
The Games on Demand menu is chock full of DW action!
I’ll be there, not until late Friday afternoon, though, sadly.